Glenn A Knight

Glenn A Knight
In my study

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Difference between Anarchy and Anarchism

I'm going to turn to my old friend The American Heritage Dictionary, third edition. This is the paperback edition of 1994 from Laurel Books. On page 30 there are two definitions of interest.

anarchism n. 1. The theory that all forms of government are oppressive and should be abolished. 2. Terrorism against the state.

anarchy n. pl. -chies. 1. Absence of governmental authority or law. 2. Disorder and confusion.

I think that reproducing the full article from the Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy might overstep the bounds of fair use. The first sentence gives the flavor:

anarchism n. a theory or a political movement which interprets the ideals of human freedom and equality very strictly, so as to exclude all relations of domination; particularly important is the refusal to accept the legitimacy of state power.

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